Weight Management in Texas, New Orleans & Richmond
We now offer weight loss assistance through weekly injections of Semaglutide or Tirzepatide
Semaglutide / Tirzepatide in Houston, TX
Struggling with weight loss? At My Face Lady, we offer an effective Weight Management Program featuring weekly injections of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide medication may aid in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and may also reduce cardiovascular mortality and CV events in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who also have established cardiovascular disease. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide can aid in treating obesity and chronic weight management. Weight loss treatment must be done with increased physical activity and a reduced-calorie diet. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide is a doctor-prescribed medication.
My Face Lady’s 90-Day Weight Management Program with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide.
All inclusive and as low as $76 a month with our partners at Cherry.
All Inclusive Pricing:
- Provider TeleMedicine assessment and consultation q30 days and as needed
- Priority bookings for program renewal/previous clients
- All medications and supplies shipped to your door
- Initial sign up INCLUDES the first 90-day supply of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide
How To Get Started:
Step 1: Determine your Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI Calculator
BMI Below 27: Apologies, you do not qualify for the Weight Management Program
BMI 27-29.9: If you have a diagnosis of or are currently being treated for High Blood Pressure, Elevated Cholesterol or Type 2 Diabetes, you may qualify! Proceed to step 2.
BMI Over 30: You may qualify! Proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Simply contact our office if you have completed step 1 and are interested in a weight management consultation. You may call or text the office at 832-457-9346. From here, we will work to schedule a telemedicine consultation with a licensed provider to further determine your eligibility at no cost to you. Do not self-schedule, always let the office schedule and confirm your appointment.
Clients must reside within the State of Texas or Louisiana at the time of all telemedicine consultations.
How much is your weight loss worth to you? Plans after sign up are as low as $76 a month! Select your own custom monthly payment plan options with Cherry below.
Cherry Payment Plans
Current competitor rates exceed $4,200 for a 90 day supply of medication alone! Contact us today to get started at our introductory rates!
Interested in signing up? Let us schedule your appointment: Text the office preferred line: 832-457-9346
Disclaimer: Medication is prescribed under FDA approval protocols and requirements. Patients must meet qualifications after history and physical. Weight loss is not guaranteed and varies based on the individual. Medication should be used in conjunction with lifestyle modifications for optimal results.